Sex Offender Registration


The Sex Offender Registration Act requires anyone who lives in California after being convicted of a California sex crime to register with the police of the city or county where they live. This registration has to be renewed

  • every year, within five (5) working days of the person's birthday, and
  • every time that person moves to a new residence

Failing to register under this act knowing and willfully will result in harsh penalties. If you have been charged with failing to register as a sex offender

Contact an attorney at Jones Law today.

Jones Law

The help of a good lawyer is critical in limiting the damage that a criminal or DUI case can have on your family, your life and your livelihood. Of course a good lawyer can minimize the penalties such as jail, fines and license suspension or revocation.

Contact Us Today!

David E. Jones is a former Deputy District Attorney and a highly skilled DUI/DWI and criminal defense lawyer with more than 20 years of experience helping clients who are facing State and Federal criminal charges.
