Fraud is usually referred to as “white collar” crime and consists of several crimes including but not limited to:
• forgery and identity theft
• insurance fraud
• mail fraud
• real estate and mortgage fraud
• generic financial fraud
• fraud involving the elderly
In California, the crime of fraud encompasses several different offenses. What most fraud crimes have in common under California law is that they either consist of actions that result in an unfair benefit for the defendant and/or harmanother person or cause them a loss. Fraud includes a wide range of crimes within the California Penal Code.
Beside carrying long prison terms and heavy fines, many California fraud crimes are what are called “wobblers,” which means that they can either be charged as felonies or misdemeanors depending on the defendant's criminal history and the facts of the case. Some fraud offenses are also automatic felonies. Many others are also federal crimes.
If you have been charged or are under investigation for fraud, it is crucial to obtain competent counsel today. Talk to an attorney at Jones Law today: